Your breeder social media accounts are set up, you have been putting out a steady stream of content and now you want to start monetizing your accounts. (See pt 1 and 2 if you missed them) How do you go from being on social media to selling puppies and selling kittens?
You have questions and we have answers, so read on to learn more!

– available
– can ship
– looking for homes
– puppies for sale
– kittens for sale
– breeder
and similar words can cause your Facebook or Instagram account to be banned. I’ve been hearing from more and more breeders that they have lost the accounts they have been building for years. Facebook Rules Instagram Rules
All your social media accounts need to be a cute place to look at pet pictures and that’s it. Cute puppies on Instagram can lead to a lot of great homes.
You can sell puppies and kittens…. in private messages but not on the main page where everyone can see.
There are a lot of dog breeders and cat breeders on TikTok and TikTok is more tolerant towards breeders BUT I am currently shadow banned (none of my posts are getting any views) and I am still trying to figure out why. RutRow… I would recommend adopting the same rules for all social media platforms.

You also can monetize your social media platforms by selling other products that you use with your puppies and kittens. The ultimate goal is to have people reach out to you or for you to direct them to the link in your bio where they can purchase the product you are selling.
The company that I found significantly improved the health of my parent dogs as well as my puppies and kittens is pawTree. pawTree is a pet food and supplement company that offers amazing products as well as a great breeder program. If you are interested in learning about becoming a pawTree breeder, reach out to me and I can get you some more information and a special discount.
A lot of selling on social media is just gaining followers and casually talking about the products you use with your pets. You want to talk about the product, but you don’t have to be making a pitch.
For example, if you are sending your puppies home, you could make a short video about “Why I always send my puppies home with a probiotic”. Then you can talk about the different benefits or the things you’ve seen by adding in probiotics.

There are many apps that allow you to create the link that goes in your bio and the page that goes along with it. Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting which service to use to create your link:
– Your link should lead to a mini webpage where you can put multiple links, a little bio, a picture, etc.
– You can design it however you want but its purpose is to direct people to the places you want them going: Links to your website, links to products you talk about, links to your puppies, etc.
– You can direct people to the link in your bio/profile and tell them that it will take them exactly where they need to go and includes a 25% off coupon if they follow the link.
– You can also have an About Me page which lets people in to get to know you a little better.
– Maybe you can have a link in there to sell dogs or sell cats.
– Include your website if you have one.
– If you are looking for a free service to make your link, Milkshake and LinkTree might be right for you.
– If you use Wavoto, my preferred breeder website template, it comes with a micro website which functions similarly and connects directly to your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) so you can keep track of those interested.
The most important thing you can do on social media is connect with people.
As you connect with people they will become more interested in the products you have to offer. As they become interested, you want to make sure you have an easy way for them to connect with you (i.e. your links). Tune in for our next blog post where we will share more about how to sell puppies online and improve your breeding program.